The reality is that Buddhists and Tamil Hindus are both being systematically disempowered. Thus, a paradigm shift in thinking is necessary and both Hindus and Buddhists to know the real enemy. Solutions are never meant to help Hindu-Buddhists or Sinhalese-Tamils actual rebuild severed ties. The strategy is simple – communities are turned against each other and they step in as referee with the solutions. The Church uses to perfection tenets of democracy to control impoverished nations in both Africa and Asia. In Sri Lanka, the Church divided people as Sinhalese-Tamils and infiltrated the State through Sinhala Christian/Tamil Christians to purposely segregate the majority Buddhists. India was divided as Aryan (Brahmin) and non-Brahmin (Dravidian) and Hindi-Tamil. The 1991 Rwanda genocide is an example of Vatican’s role in financing the genocide. Their objectives are facilitated by self-serving politicians and the manipulation of secularism and multiculturalism helped by non-Christians/non-Muslims ready to sell their souls.Īcross the globe, the separatist secessionist and political insurgent movements are either backed by the Church or followers of Islamic fundamentalism. That doctrine is vigorously advocated with competition between Abrahamic religions to convert people in Africa and Asia. They divided the populace and converted people along communal and linguistic lines. The continents of Africa and Asia were conquered by Christianity-promoting colonials. Church & Colonialism: Convert and control, divide and rule Church in generic form also applies to the UN that enforces only Western Christian political principles on all, even if they infringe on Eastern cultures and values. The Church refers to all denominations as well as Christian funding agencies, Christian NGOs, Christian Governments and countries that use evangelization and militant Christian missionaries as instruments of foreign policy in countries of Asia and Africa. LTTE’s demise does not mean that that ambition is over. LTTE was simply a pawn of the Church to advance a pan-Christian political agenda that aims to create a satellite Christian autonomous state out of Tamil Nadu and north Sri Lanka (a Sudan-style divide). The Church is Christianity’s first soldier and it is becoming more and more evident that behind most terrorists’ activities the Abrahamic religions prevail. Current fears associated with the repetition of past colonial crimes need empathy in view of the competing claims of both Christianity and Islam for world hegemony. “Spreading the good word” has led to purging of territories and their wealth and excommunicating natives and their unique cultures. Investments made in communication networks, journalism and other mass communication, television networks, schools, buying acres of land, putting up prayer houses close to Hindu temples, establishing foreign Christian missionaries, presence of NGOs, AID agencies and financing various projects is clear evidence.” – Shenali WadugeĪbrahamic religions and the violence, expansionism and advocacy of conversion are things that cannot be kept hidden or denied.
“There is little doubt that the Church strategy is to turn Tamil Nadu into a Christian state. Court preaches tolerance to Hindu man who sought relief from church blaring loudspeaker day and night.Why Turkey’s growing presence in the subcontinent should worry Bharat.Fahad Shah, editor of ‘The Kashmir Walla’ online magazine, arrested for glorifying terrorism.
Hamvira Deva Mohapatra: The great Gajapati warrior from Odisha who hammered the Bahmani Sultanate.To support error and roguery all over the earth.” - Thomas Jefferson What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half of the world fools, and the other half hypocrites. “Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned, : yet we have not advanced one inch towards humanity. “Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world.” - Voltaire When I think of all the harm the Bible has done, I despair of ever writing anything to equal it.” - Oscar Wilde